To apply for membership to u3a in Kennet, please complete the online Application Form. If you would prefer to download and print a copy, you can download and print the pdf version of the Application Form below the online form.
Fees and Payment
The membership year is from 1st August to 31st July. Annual Membership is £12.00 per person, plus a joining fee of £3.00. Please note: a reduced Membership fee of £6.00 (+ the £3.00 joining fee) applies for those joining after 1st March until the end of the membership year.
Our fees includes a payment to our National Organisation, the Third Age Trust, which provides a wide range of services and benefits, including liability insurance cover for our Groups.
To pay online, please make payment of £15.00 per person (or £9.00 per person after 1st March) to the following account:

Please insert your surname and the letters NMBR (standing for “new member”) in the reference section when making payment, and confirm that you have made payment in the box on the Application Form.
1. Complete the online Application Form
2. Download and print the Application Form
Download and print the PDF form, complete it in ink, and return either by post, or by scanning a copy and emailing it as an attachment.