Controversial Current Affairs Discussion

We are a group of people with strong opinions who take an interest in what’s going on in the world around us.  We’re not afraid to be politically incorrect and say what we think and enjoy a lively discussion on any topic of the day. Our discussions are stimulating, friendly and often amusing. Members of the group are expected to come forward with ideas for subjects, and to lead discussions on them in a rough rota.

We limit participation to a maximum of twelve people so that everyone has a chance to speak and to avoid any possibility of the interaction becoming something of a presentation from one person to a larger group of people.

Unlike other Controversial Discussion groups, we do not generally discuss philosophical questions (is religion good?, for example) but more likely something more tangible (what’s causing Islamic terrorism and how to stop it, for example).

Once a year we have a lunch at Christmas – if we’re all still talking, that is!

Last Thursday of the month from 14:00 to 16:00

Meeting at the group leader’s home in Ogbourne St George.

Contact the Group Leader:
See below