Discussion Groups

Discussion Groups

Table Talk Luncheon

We are currently meeting for lunch at The Roebuck in London Road on the second Wednesday of each month.  Cost is dependent on how much you eat and drink.  We are a very informal group and our aim is to discuss any item of interest or concern and if we prove to be a large …

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Current Affairs

This group considers current affairs from a variety of perspectives; economic, social, political and medical.  Topics are chosen on monthly basis in accordance with prevailing events and have included the COVID 19 pandemic, Chinese territorial expansion, wars in Ukraine and Gaza. New members are always welcome and contributions are encouraged.  No particular knowledge is required …

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Controversial Discussion 4

We discuss a wide range of subjects, chosen by group members.  We usually have fun while sharing our thoughts and ideas, while respecting everyone’s views.  Sometimes we agree, but not always! Venue:Meeting in members homes Contact the Group Leader: please complete the form below.

Controversial Discussion 3

Topics are suggested by members and the discussion is led by members in turn.  Discussion can be lively and humorous, is usually evidence or experience based, but is never confrontational.  Minds are sometimes changed – a bit. Or was it Macmillan who said this? Note:  Neither of them are in our group. Meets:2nd Thursday of …

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Controversial Discussion 1

We discuss a wide range of subjects which are both important and challenging.  Many of these will have controversial elements.  Our discussions are stimulating, friendly and often amusing.  We do not expect to reach agreement.  Members of the Group are expected to come forward with ideas for subjects, and to lead discussions on them in a rough …

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