Day Trips

Please CLICK HERE to email the Group Leader, phone 01672 811711, or use the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.

The Day Trip Group aims to offer 3 or 4 day trips each year to places of interest within some 2 hours travelling distance from Marlborough.  We have no preset ideas, but plan to take full advantage of the abundance of places of interest in our region, spanning the arts, gardens, historic properties/sites, towns, cathedrals, exhibitions and combinations of these. All the places we visit will provide interesting and enjoyable days out without the hassle of driving. 

Membership of the daytrip group isn’t necessary, but does mean you are the first to hear about any trip and so get priority booking. To join the group, contact the group leader by filling in the form at the bottom of this page.

Some recent trips:

Trip to Chichester, 20th April 2023
All went very well. Sarah the Barnes driver counted numbers in Marlborough and was able to leave punctually at 8.30. We then left on time from Pewsey such that we arrived in Chichester about 10.50, so a mini group were in time for the guided walk at 11am. Everyone agreed that there was lots to do there, and there were only good reports of the day. We arrived back in Pewsey in time for some members to get to the Wine Tasting group meeting at 6pm, which was pretty impressive!

Coach travel from Pewsey and Marlborough to South Kensington. February 24th 2023

Abernodwydd House (a timber-framed thatched farmhouse built in 1678), at St Fagans National Museum of Wales visited in September 2019
U3A members attending choral evensong on our visit to Winchester Cathedral and the Christmas Market in December 2019

Other pictures from our trip to Winchester can be found below.

3 or 4 trips per year

Varies – depends on trip plan

Contact the Group Leader: Please complete the form below.