Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of U3A in Kennet consists of a group of members who are responsible for setting general policy and for providing administration, management and control of the affairs and property of U3A in Kennet.  U3A in Kennet is registered as a Charity and is affiliated to the national U3A organisation, the U3A Trust.  Members of the Executive Committee are Trustees of the Charity and subject to the rules of the Charity Commission.

Jill Turner

Chair & Charity Commission Contact
Jill Turner

Jill joined U3A in Kennet in January 2017.  She joined the Executive Committee in February 2017 and took over as Charity Commission Contact in October 2017 and also has responsibility for Compliance and is now Vice Chair as well.  Jill is a member of the Flora & Fauna, Science Technology & Engineering and History Groups.  Jill worked in the public sector in corporate governance, management, planning and service improvement.  Jill lives with her sister Susan in Lockeridge.
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Jeff Hide

Vice Chair & Events Coordinator
Jeff Hide

Jeff’s professional careers have been in the police service and in law.  He had been in charge of a police Training School and a police prosecutions office.  After retirement he was instrumental in creating a new firm of specialist solicitors, retiring from legal practice in 2011.  With his wife, Jacquie, Jeff had moved to the City of Ely in Cambridgeshire where they joined the U3A there.  He held a number of official positions in regional boating organisations and in Rotary International.

Jeff and Jacquie moved to Marlborough in 2018.  Jeff is Vice Chair and Events Coordinator on the Executive Committee. He is Group Leader for the Music Maestros and Petanque 2 Groups. He also belongs to Local History, Day Trips, Controversial Group 3 and Classic cars groups.
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Annette Weaver
Annette Weaver

Honorary Secretary
Annette Weaver

Annette has been a member of the U3A since 2017 and joined the Executive Committee in 2020 as Secretary.  She is a member of the Theatre, Human Science and Neuroscience groups as well as the Thursday walking group.  Annette moved to Marlborough with her late husband in 2016 after working for 25 years as a teacher at the European School in Luxembourg. 
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Mike Morison

Membership Secretary & Beacon Coordinator
Mike Morison

Mike joined U3A in Kennet in April 2018 and is currently a member of the Science Technology & Engineering, Wine Appreciation and Jazz Appreciation Groups.  He is also an associate member of the Aviation Group at Devizes U3A.  He came to Wiltshire in 1986 with his wife, Gay, and three children when he was in the RAF.  He moved to Preston, near Lyneham, in December 1991.  His whole career was spent in aviation, finishing at the Army Aviation Centre (AAC) at Middle Wallop in Hampshire instructing Army Apache helicopter pilots.
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Alastair Sheen, committee member u3a in Kennet
Alastair Sheen

Alastair Sheen

Alastair joined u3a in January and the Executive Committee in April 2023, having moved to Marlborough from Bedfordshire with his wife Judith, in December 2022. He belongs to the American History, Classic Car, Monday Walking, Table Talk Luncheon and Really Usefuls groups but thinks he needs to do more!

A Chartered Banker, Alastair has spent 25 years preventing, detecting and investigating Credit and Debit Card Fraud for an international bank. He has a son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren living in Hampshire and another son and daughter-in-law living in Texas. He swims 2-3k a week and also curates a growing collection of gins from around the world.
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Jill Chambers

Speaker Secretary
Jill Chambers

Jill moved to Marlborough in February 2020 and joined U3A in March 2020.  She belongs to the Monday Walking Group, a Book Club a Controversial Discussion Group and also takes part in the Quiz group.  After a varied career starting in publishing and including running a building company, she remains an active director of a family agricultural and property business.
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David Moakes u3a in Kennet Publicity
David Moakes

David Moakes

David and his late wife, Jane, were active members of u3a in Bristol, leading a reminiscence group. When they came to Marlborough approximately 9 years ago of course they joined up again. They were both members of the wine appreciation group, the jazz appreciation group, the strollers and the precursor to the current life sciences group. After Jane’s death last June, David joined the aviation group and launched a new group, the singles supper group. David’s career was in aerospace, initially as an aerodynamicist. He was responsible for the intake design on Concorde and was lucky enough to be involved  in flight testing. He then moved into project management. He retired early when his project, refurbishing American F111 fighter bombers. was terminated after the Berlin Wall came down. In the voluntary sector he chaired Bristol Relate, saved it from insolvency and merged it with Bath Relate.
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Hamzah joined the u3a in 2012 and was then co-opted to the Executive Committee to lead the Website Working Party for setting up and designing a website for u3a in Kennet and our own email system. After leaving the role in 2016, Hamzah took on the role again in 2023 from the late Tom Horwitz. Hamzah is also an enthusiastic member of the Wednesday Table Tennis group and is the current Group Leader.
Hamzah spent all his working life as a Chartered Engineer with the Energy Industry developing power projects in the UK and around the world.
‘I have always believed that it is never too late to learn something new. As such I took up the technical support role and continue learning as I carry out my tasks – Hamzah’.
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Alison Dewar

Committee Member
Alison Dewar

Alison joined u3a for physical exercise, branching out into aviation, book and quiz groups.  For several charities, she has championed and fundraised for ‘difficult causes’.  She has also developed services, impact and people in other organisations.  This includes teaching sailing and 20 part-time years with another Michael Young organisation (like the u3a!) – The Open University Business School.  When not sailing, she lives in Great Bedwyn, at the cinema and on stage.
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Georgina Neville

Committee Member
Georgina Neville

Georgie has been a member of U3A in Kennet since late 2018.  She is a member of the Thursday walking group, the Theatre group and the Table tennis group.  In addition she belongs to the French and German conversation groups.  Georgie taught French and German in a number of schools throughout the UK for over thirty years.  She has lived in Marlborough since 2006.  Her other interests include travel, reading and music and she is a member of Marlborough Community Choir.
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Committee Member
John Slaughter

John is a retired Chartered Mechanical Engineer whose career was spent in the electricity supply industry. He started as a student apprentice, held a number of posts starting in power stations, and worked on renewable energy projects. He has lived in Marlborough since 1992 when his job moved to Swindon. He joined u3a in Kennet in 2019,  and is also a civilian instructor with the Air Training Corps, a keen photographer and enjoys DIY and working on cars.
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