20th July 2022
This was a ‘Hybrid’ ‘Virtual’ Kennet U3A Talk! People attended in person with others using Zoom at the same time!
Watch a replay of Sir Muir Gray’s presentation (video & audio) by clicking here, or simply it watch below.
How to increase your brain ability and reduce the risk of dementia.
Our Speaker was:
Sir Muir Gray CBE MD
Director of the Optimal Ageing Programme for Living Longer Better (https://www.livelongerbetter.uk).

You can also download a copy of his presentation slides by clicking here.
Muir is a well respected national figure in public health – see (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muir_Gray) to learn more about Muir.
Muir preciously spoke to us in June 2020 on how to “Live Longer Better with the Optimal Ageing Programme“.
Watch a replay of his previous conference (video & audio) by clicking here.